Monday, August 17, 2009

Girl Scout Camp Part Six

My kids start back to school this week. My 6 year old started yesterday and my little one starts on Thursday. For me, that means summer is essentially over, even if the calendar says we still have another five weeks.

Here is the last round of pics from Girl Scout Camp...

Canoeing is definitely one of the core activities of any summer camp.

Horseback riding is definitely one of the more popular activities.

At the end of the day, everyone goes through the "tunnel" or "arch" to prepare for the flag ceremony.

Every morning and every evening a flag ceremony is held. It is raised every morning and lowered every evening, then folded neatly and put away until the next morning.

The only real difference I saw between Girl Scout Camp and Boy Scout Camp was the size of the campfire. When I was in Boy Scouts back in the 1970's, we used to build HUGE bonfires every night. We'd cook "tin foil dinners" (just like it sounds...ground beef, potatoes, onions, carrots and maybe another veggie wrapped in tin foil) by placing them on the fire at the edge, preferably on a log that had burned down and was just smoldering. And you could count on s'mores for dessert every night. Our fires were very large, and I'm sure they weren't terribly regulated. These days, I'm sure that there are strict regulations as to how large a campfire can be and how close the kids can be seated to it.

This will end the series of pics from Girl Scout Camp, but my summer stories are only beginning. I'm just now getting around to editing pics from a couple of family outings, as well as some pics from the Fourth of July. They will be posted soon.

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